
标准化, digitisation 和 interoperability to transform global trade: key learnings from SIBOS 2023

5分钟阅读 | 2023年12月10日
银行 play a pivotal role as a lubricant in global trade transactions. SIBOS is an excellent event for Digital Container Shipping Association (永利皇宫app下载注册) to reach out to the financial industry 和 explain how the container carriers collaborate to accelerate digitalisation in container shipping processes. It is our purpose to meet with as many global trade banks as possible during the event 和 explain what 永利皇宫app下载注册 does, why we do it 和 what we need from stakeholders such as the banks to make it happen. SIBOS is the place to reach out to the financial industry, not only to share your own views 和 goals; it is an opportunity for the industry to share its priorities 和 expectations on markets 和 products. We underst和 the complexity of the financial industry 和 the amount of time it requires for new applications to be implemented. We have asked each 和 every bank to support the eBL Movement, 挺身而出,接受它, 和 we explained that digitisation 和 st和ards will only work out, when all parties across the supply chain use platforms that work to 数字标准 并且是可互操作的. It will ease the adoption process. Interoperability 和 st和ards are scalable 和 that makes international trade accessible, 非常高效。, 易于使用和可持续发展.The time to act on interoperability is now永利皇宫app下载注册’s own Niels Nuyens was a panellist in a session discussing st和ardisation, interoperability 和 digital transformation in global trade. Alongside Niels on the Swift moderated panel were representatives from Swift, 国际刑事法庭, edoxOnlineCargoX. A packed venue hosted around 100 attendees from those global trade banks, fintech companies 和 software providers, 有更多的在线参与者. Interest in the topic was high as the panel invited discussion on the starting point for the 电子提单(eBL), what stakeholders such as banks should look for from digital platforms 和 st和ards, 和 what challenges they might face.Panel participants emphasized that the time to act is now; there was a clear sense of urgency around digitalisation, interoperable systems 和 adoption of st和ards to ease connectivity 和 transmission of data. Panel discussions on the topic of st和ardisation, digitisation 和 interoperability need to be echoed to explain to stakeholders in the industries what is required to succeed.Overcoming challenges to digitaliseThe panel session flagged challenges when it came to the low levels of adoption. 这符合 findings of a survey conducted by the Future International Trade (FIT) Alliance, comprising BIMCO, 永利皇宫app下载注册, FIATA, 国际刑事法庭 和 SWIFT with the Alliance’s members.通过它, a majority (63%) of respondents cited lack of stakeholder readiness as a key reason for not using eBLs or not using them more. This was the second most cited reason behind technology, platform or interoperability concerns.通过拥抱标准化, 作为数字化的基础, supply chain parties will benefit from interoperability. This will help alleviate concerns around investing in particular technologies or platforms, there will not be a restriction to be able to share data with, as interoperability overcomes this.Many global trade finance banks are able to process eBLs, are licensed to one of the eBL solution providers. 没有互操作性, supply chain partners in a transaction must be using the same system to be able to transmit eBL. Interoperable eBL solution providers enable seamless eBL transmission from one provider to another one. So, each party in the transaction needs only one single license: it takes adoption to a next level…变革正在进行7月, Electronic Trade Documents Bill received royal assent in the UK. This change ensures that an electronic trade document, 比如eBL, has the same legal status as an equivalent paper document. Meanwhile, the five industry associations that comprise the FIT Alliance, have backed the eBL by declaring they will secure commitment from stakeholders to collaborate on driving digitalisation.Attendees at SIBOS were positive about digitalisation. 永利皇宫app下载注册 is encouraged by the conversations: digitisation is back on the agenda 和 industry driven movements, especially the eBL movement driven by the container carriers, is applauded by the financial industry which indicates that change is underway. 然而, as SIBOS’ theme also highlights, collaboration is elementary for successful digitisation with benefits across the supply chain. The financial industry 和 the trade eco-system seem to be ready for innovation through collaboration for improved efficiency, 全球连通性,  true sustainability 和 an overall improved customer experience.在哪里可以找到更多的信息 To find out more about the case for 数字标准, take a look at our 电子书. You can access all of the 永利皇宫app下载注册 st和ards available now from our 标准页面. And to learn more about industry terms 和 their definitions, check out our 航运术语表.